By Tyler Wetzler

Boca Raton is known for many great things, recreational athletic programs being one of them.
The Spring season for Boca Raton Little League recently concluded and as in previous years, coaches selected a group of players (across all of the teams from each age group) to join an all star team and compete against other Little League’s in Palm Beach County. The tournament used a double elimination format.

The teams did lots of practicing in order to prepare for the intense and higher level (stronger competition) games. The 11 and under team worked extremely hard and won their first game against a squad from East Boynton Beach. They won 11-1 with all-star pitching performances accompanied by beautiful swings at the plate.

However, their second game, on the other side of town against West Boynton Beach didn’t go so well. There was poor pitching, lots of missed opportunities at the plate, and unfortunately, numerous errors in the field.

Boca’s 11 and under team played again the following evening and lost an extra innings affair to North Palm Beach. The game went so long that it had to be concluded the following evening as the lights went out on the field before the game had ended.